Monday, December 23, 2019
History Nature of the Game - 3180 Words
HISTORY NATURE OF THE GAME Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith; a Canadian teacher. It was ï ¬ rst played with a soccer-style ball and peach baskets as the goals. Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of ï ¬ ve players on the court (usually 2 guards, 2 forwards and 1 centre) each try to score points against one another by forcing a ball through a 10 feet (3m) high hoop. The ball can be advanced on the court by dribbling or passing it between teammates. Disruptive physical contact (fouls) is not permitted and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled (violations). Basketball Game Rule Basketball Games are a test to players agility and endurance, and require remarkable hand-eye coordination on the†¦show more content†¦When you are looking for that option, take the ball in a firm grip and put your body between you and the defender. Regardless of how good you are at dribbling, the defense will always have a greater chance for a steal if you are dribbling the ball instead of gripping it in both hands. Passing Passing is the number 1 option for moving the ball around the court on offense. Passing is quicker than dribbling and so it is a deadly offensive tool for reaching that open man so they can have the shot. Good passes are the hallmark of good teams because most offensive plays are set up by good passes. Shooting Shooting is probably the most practiced skill for new and experienced players. Yet so many people still practice it wrong. In practice all drills should be done at game speed and done as you would under pressure. Players are usually too lazy to do this and instead of practicing the sweet jump shot that they are constantly doing in the game they lazy-it-down to a hop-shot. Instead of jumping to give power they use their arms for the power and the legs give the rest. Practicing the wrong way to shoot is something that players do all the time yet they do not understand why they miss all their jump shots during the game... Rebounding Rebounding can come in two forms - offensive and defensive. Lots of newer player look at rebounding and immediately think that it is a big mans area. Yet this is not so. Rebounding is more than just being big. It evenShow MoreRelated The Natural Violence of Human Nature as Shown Through the Epic Beowulf868 Words  | 4 PagesThe Natural Violence of Human Nature as Shown Through the Epic Beowulf Violence is the way of the game in the world of Beowulf. It is how things get done. It is what people care about. The songs in the Mead Hall are all sung of the great violent epics that took place in the times long gone. When there is no violence that can be perpetrated, these cultures tell stories of violence, so as to release this need for aggression that is somewhere deep with in them. 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