Saturday, August 31, 2019
John Green Essay
Not only is he an author but he spends his time making an effort in what can be done to focus on the greater good in the world such as contributing to donations around the world to help others. His novels all convey an important message that should all be taken under consideration. Five efficient themes can involve the following: ignoring risks for adventure, loss of innocence, assuaging guilt after loss and blaming ones self, relationships in relation to teen romance and coming of age. He is also known for making videos on the internet while letting his voice be heard and teaching society history in his website known as â€Å"Crash Course†. The author, John Green, has made an impact on his readers by expressing life changing themes in his works along with how his life impacted his work and lasting contributions. John Green, an awe-inspiring author born on August 24th, 1977. He was primarily raised in walking distance of Disney World in Orlando, Florida. After high school, John resided in Ohio and graduated from Kenyon College in 2000 with a double major in English and Religious Studies. For a few consecutive years, he exerted himself for the book review journal Booklist as both a publishing assistant along with production editor. While committed to the job, he was also writing his first book Looking for Alaska. Not only did he have those jobs, he also critiqued books for The New York Times Book Review and helped out Chicago’s public radio station. Green then moved and lived with his wife in New York City for two years while she was attending graduate school. While being both an author and a critic, John also became a famous YouTuber alongside his brother, Hank Green. In 2007, the Vlogbrothers were formed along with a Brotherhood 2. 0 project that took all 365 days of continuous videos being sent back and forth between both brothers as their only source of communication. All of these videos went viral, and the videos still are being created to this day. The first novel, Looking for Alaska, published in 2005, won the 2006 Michael L. Printz Award in the United States and the Silver Inky Award in Australia. At first, he never truly envisioned himself as someone who could go from telling stories to actually writing them in print. It grows to be a difficult task for anyone who wants to be an author but luckily after reaching his college years is where John really obtained the ability to write stories to the point where they made sense and were destined to be published. That is where Looking for Alaska comes into play. His intentions for the outcome of this book were to make all of his previous ex-girlfriends jealous which could presumably work in most cases. Also, Green truly gained the inspiration while attending a boarding school to begin writing his first novel. As he proclaims, â€Å"I like writing for teenagers because big questions–about love and religion and compassion and grief–matter to teens in a very visceral way. And it’s fun to write teenage characters. They’re funny and clever and feel so much so intensely†(Q&A with Author John Green). In 2006, John released his second novel known as An Abundance of Katherines. This novel received recognition such as becoming a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize while also coinciding as being named a Michael L. Printz Honor Book. His third novel published in 2008, was placed number five on the New York Times bestseller list and even granted John to win yet another award such as the Edgar Allen Poe award for best mystery novel. One year later, Paper Towns was placed among number one in the ALA (American Library Association) Teens’ Top Ten by over 11,000 readers. (Bloomsbury). Throughout the time of his novels gaining fame, his fame throughout the internet has begun spreading rapidly. At this rate his channel that he currently shares with his brother, aka Vlogbrothers has received over 20,573,626 views. This continues to grow more and more everyday due to a ommunity that the Green brothers have associated as Nerdfighters. Vlogbrothers also currently have over 607,000 subscribers while being in charge of a gigantic YouTube event known as VidCon that is an event held over summer. Green is an extreme professional in relation to multi-tasking and is constantly involved in numerous projects. He runs a blog, k nown as fishingboatproceeds. tumblr. com, along with a website for DFTBA records, an enthralling YouTube that is specifically used for his teachings of World History, while lastly being a full time father to his son Hank at home. Not only has he written his own novels but he has co-written a few as well. For example, Will Grayson, Will Grayson along with Let It Snow are two novels that are partially written by him. Everything is still revolved around the lives of Young Adults which is a certain theme that went on sale January 10th. This novel is such an extreme success, due to the fact that it has remained number one on New York Times Bestseller list for a few consecutive weeks. The popularity for the preorder is what even got the date to be pushed forward for release. Green initially promised to sign the entire first printing for the preorder which caused a rapid pace in it being essential to own a copy instantaneously. The novel was originally set to release in May 2012, but due to high order of demand it was able to be viewed by the public by January 10th. This was a relief to most sincere there are numerous positive reviews reflecting upon the entire book. Green is extremely involved with his fan base, and has the ability to interact with everyone throughout his Social Networking sites and most wholeheartedly, through his novels as well. As he remarks, â€Å"I’m ultimately much more passionate about writing and books, but I really love YouTube and the community that’s built up around our videos,†Green says. One example, â€Å"We’re one of the largest groups that donate to Kiva, a microfinance website that makes loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries. We’ve loaned more than $100,000 in the last six months. Books are great, but you can’t have a visceral connection to changing the world, and doing stuff that makes you feel better about being a person. It’s a different kind of work. †(A Signature Move Pays Off For John Green). He is not afraid to interact with others, and continues to strive to improve all of his diverse works one step at a time. Even if he may be perceived as a beginner for someone who has only been writing for a few years, John definitely has a way with words and is more ahead than most. As for how his life has affected his work, his most recent book, The Fault In Our Stars is a perfect example of what one person can do. A girl named Esther, who was a close friend of John’s, passed away with cancer and pushed John to persevere and actually have the ability to put his thoughts to paper in what will be his most successful book overall. His personal life experiences have been able to mold him into what he is able to define within different worlds along with his characters and let his mind wander. Paper Towns is reflected on the area he was raised in, while An Abundance of Katherines correlates with the amount of times John had been dumped in his lifetime. Even Looking for Alaska takes place in the same environment and same school system. All inspiration for Green’s book is derived from certain past experiences, regardless of how subtle the hints are. John Green, a rather creative man who writes books with themes that appear to be correlate with each other. The first theme that can easily be identified in his six books that have been written are all about the stereotypical teenager and the desire for fun. Ignoring risks for adventure is definitely one that teens are able to admit that it is definitely not a fable, but rather a truth. In the following three books, Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars, and Looking for Alaska, there is evidence to be provided as to why all of the following five themes are accurate, including this one. Ignoring risks for adventure can be a theme that is explained in his first novel. Looking for Alaska would be a rather brilliant example when realizing that all of the teenagers in this young adult novel are attending a private school which means boundaries. This causes more rebellion with the following, characters, Alaska, Miles, and all of the numerous teenagers that get pulled into the storyline. It is most likely that Alaska is the one who influenced this upon everyone else in the first place, considering the following, â€Å"I have guts, just not where it counts†(Looking for Alaska 95). Alaska is fully aware of all of her capabilities to be able to get away with drinking on campus or pranking other students near the area, but then again, it is definitely not something to be proud of in the first place. If any students are caught while attending this private school they are immediately on trial for expulsion, and everyone has heard fully well of how much of a big deal that is. So they are willing to take all of the risks for that need of some sort of euphoria, or some case to know that they actually are somewhat alive. A private school with so many boundaries can be so limited at times, which can only mean that teenagers are conformed to get through that somehow. The main character, Miles changes dramatically throughout the novel, especially considering that the book is split up into two parts–before and after. Miles shows such a fond attraction to Alaska in the before section, while also showing some extreme respect for her as well. In another discussion between Alaska and Miles, Alaska states, â€Å"†¦ I’m not going to be one of those people who sits around talking about what they’re gonna do. I’m just going to do it†(54). It appears that Alaska enjoys being in the moment of things, rather than have to ponder on everything she is about to do and go through the pros and cons of things. This theme can relate to the majority of all teenagers, especially for one of the main themes that are used throughout John’s books. He has a tendency to find some fascination in teenagers, and he is aware of their situation in all struggles they are forced to confront. A risk for the teenagers in this novel would have to be when they all are fully aware of the consequences that will appear after being caught. Although, the adventure is what makes it such a worthy advocate and even makes getting caught worth it. Unfortunately, Alaska passes in the â€Å"after†section of the novel, which changes any other characters in the show and makes everyone suddenly be aware of their consequences and instantly regret it. A way these characters are explained for ignoring risks for adventure as a theme is by saying, â€Å"While following in the foot steps of Salinger and Knowles, Green ventures beyond identifying the absurd ironies of life and provides a philosophical, religious, and spiritual subtext for his characters and his readers†(Blasingame Jr. . The author is able to provide valuable reasons as to why he is contributing other contexts to the novel as well that can very well correlate with the theme. The Fault in Our Stars is a book involving the means of dealing with young adults who are faced with cancer or even any serious death causing diseases of the sorts. This book could po ssibly have more risks, in terms of staying alive for one–along with being so limited of being able to do, well, anything really. A way this theme is explained mentions the following, â€Å"He’s in remission from the osteosarcoma that took one of his legs. She’s fighting the brown fluid in her lungs caused by tumors. Both know that their time is limited†(The Fault In Our Stars). Throughout the novel there are two main characters with the names of Hazel and Augustus. They never had an easy start with living a healthy life like everyone else, yet they are able to find each other and fall in love. This is such a brilliant opportunity for them, considering they could die at any moment but they are aware that they also only live once. Hazel is extremely fascinated by an author in Sweden, and thanks to Augustus, his wish makes it possible for them to be able to visit the area for a couple of days. The only problem is all of the troubles they have to face with not being able to breathe or walk or function as well as they did back home. It is just an extreme risk to be considering, but that never bothered the two of them. They have already lived a lifestyle that was extremely risky, and they would do anything to get out of that mindset even if it cost them their life, they would at least know what it was like to live. A second theme can actually explain into more depth of the previous theme. This would be rather the consequence of what is to come after ignoring risks for adventure. It is possible, and it is what all people have to go through sometime in their life. Loss, whether it be of family, innocence, or love; it is an extremely hazardous struggle to even consider of being able to get over. John Green is able to portray his characters as going through an extremely life changing event. It can only mean that while all teenagers may feel invincible and omniscient throughout that particular era, all of that happiness and enjoyment must all come to an end in certain cycles. In Paper Towns, Quentin spent a lifetime loving a girl named Margo from afar, however, when she runs away and goes missing for a lengthened amount of time; he goes through an extreme loss and encounters all of the three stages of loss. Margo has been his neighbor all of his life, so losing someone that has been in your life since the very beginning was tragic for him, along with the fact that a good guy who would never take risks was suddenly willing to throw it all on the line to be able to find Margo. This is the main theme for this book, due to the fact that throughout the entire story, Quentin is chasing after Margo in hopes of actually finding her. The way this is all able to connect together mentions, â€Å"Although the plot and characters are significantly different and in many ways more engaging, there is a significant thematic similarity here to Green’s Looking for Alaska (BCCB 2/05), as an ordinary guy seeks to understand a complex, fascinating, yet elusive and troubled girl†(Paper Towns). This summarizes the majority of the novel and what it stands for. It truly explains why it is so important in the first place and why all of John’s novels are related in some way. Quentin goes through this loss and is left to chase after Margo in the end. Compared to Paper Towns, the other two books tend to go through two extreme losses that even readers cannot cope with having to read–a death of a character. It is quite tragic to have to see what themes will occur next after John pulls out a loss of life in the majority of his novels, but he always seems to be creative about it. In Looking for Alaska, Miles loses Alaska in the after section of the book and there is still another half of the book of him being able to cope through his loss. It is an extremely depressing situation, especially since he wanted what he never had, and would never again get the chance to. This leads to the consideration that the teenager would most likely feel like they have failed the particular character who passed away, and it will result in regret. As John puts it into perspective of how Miles feels, he says, â€Å"I know so many last words. But I will never know hers†(Looking for Alaska 142). Miles felt as though this cause of death was all of his fault, but throughout this theme, there are numerous changes in Miles of how he is able to cope through everything. As for The Fault in Our Stars, that is more likely to be a tearjerker, considering Augustus, the one whom Hazel is in love with, passes away towards the end of the novel. It seems rather incredibly difficult to face, but somehow, Hazel was already aware of the consequences. Hazel mentions the rating of her loss of pain as this, â€Å"I was saving my ten. And here it was, the great and terrible ten, slamming me again†(The Fault In Our Stars 263). She was mentioning how badly she was affected by the loss of Augustus and that her own pain that she suffered physically from cancer was practically nothing compared to this. She knew that they had a countdown by means of how long their lifetime would last and luckily he was able to provide her with an infinite amount of infinities that she never considered possible. A way that loss can be described is, â€Å"But he delivers more than a collectible with this exquisitely sad novel about Hazel and Augustus, two teens struggling to keep their terminal-cancer diagnoses from defining who they are†(Corbett). All of the characters that go through a certain loss are able to go through a sudden change, and they only became stronger by means of the plot. There are numerous things that can be noticed when involving likely themes within the works of John Green. He is known to repeat himself throughout numerous occurrences in the following novels: Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns and The Fault in Our Stars. In this theme, a lot of guilt is left to follow through after the conflicts commence. This feeling is most likely to be experienced after a devastating moment occurs that leaves readers more emotionally attached to the book itself. John holds moments where he can captivate the readers with this theme and really cause people to think outside of the box and consider the following; guilt walks among us when the worst has yet to come. The guilt is certainly perceiving in each novel in regards to the significant other that is described throughout the novel. For example, The Fault in Our Stars involves the death of Augustus Waters due to death of cancer. This occurs near the end of the novel but it is most likely for Hazel to feel horrible for what has occurred. Not only does she have to deal with the same troubles herself, but if she had not been so focused on her severities, she feels as though she could have done something different to save him. As Hazel responds, â€Å"It’s hard to explain, but talking to them felt like stabbing and being stabbed†(The Fault in Our Stars 269). It can be interpreted that Hazel can not bring herself to the discouragement that is left of the pain that is still among the parents of Augustus. That unsettling emptiness will always be there to remain and she is not prepared for that herself. On a trip to the hospital earlier in the book, Augustus was there at the same time but he had managed to make it appear as though he was just visiting her. The real dilemma is that he was there for himself because his cancer was worsening. Somehow Augustus managed to hide this from Hazel all along so they could at least for once know what it was like to feel normal. This guilt overtook Hazel leaving her to say the following, â€Å"The only person I really wanted to talk to about Augustus Waters’s death was Augustus Waters†(262). Regardless of the unsettlement, John had a way with describing the feelings of Hazel in all that she is left to deal with. As for Paper Towns, guilt is expressed through the characters Quentin and Margo. Margo runs away early on in the book, leaving Quentin to question whether he should give it all he has to chase after her or not. He even tends to feel as though it is his fault or as though it could have been prevented due to the fact that they are neighbors. The guilt first started settling in when Quentin describes, â€Å"Margo left often enough that there weren’t any Find Margo rallies at school or anything, but we all felt her absence†(Paper Towns 94). Guilt was never anything to be shy of, because the longer Margo surprisingly stays absent and leaves no signs or intentions of ever returning, is when the alarms go off in Quentin’s head that something is truly wrong. This guilt allows Quentin to go on adventures and test his feelings for Margo to go out of his way to connect all of the dots to finally be able to find Margo. The guilt is finally enough to push the good boy Quentin to be adventurous and even miss graduation to be able to feel relief of confronting Margo. In the novel that is saved for last due to the most guilt consuming details, Looking for Alaska leaves Miles in depression. If anything, his choices could have been different if only he had prevented the death of Alaska. Alaska was his everything at the school he was currently attending, and it was all he even truly cared for. She changed his views on so many aspects and she left a mark to remain in his life. Unfortunately, halfway through the book Alaska passes away and leaves Miles behind. Although, the night before is the night that could have changed everything. He finally had his chance with Alaska and they could have been officially together and there were so many questions that had to go unanswered. He even had allowed Alaska to run off campus in the middle of the night while intoxicated to who knows where. That moment will forever be etched in his mind and cause things to replay on repeat. What could have been done differently? It is a guilt that is forever permanent and it will scar him for what could have been. He is even left to feel like a terrible friend for not looking out for her or even intervening between whatever pain Alaska was going through. Of course, silly him for thinking Alaska was stronger than that and could get through basically anything. His first reaction went along the lines of, â€Å"I thought: It’s all my fault. I thought: I don’t feel very good. I thought: I’m going to throw up†(Looking for Alaska 139). Even that first millisecond of within being earshot of hearing the news left negative side effects. His guilt inspired him to not give up in looking for alaska, hence the name of the title is that he assumes she has not really passed on. Assuming that there was a more underlying meaning than that, unfortunately it really was not the case. But this guilt rubs off on Miles and changes the person that is entirely. This theme can reflect how much can be changed when guilt takes place. All of John’s dynamic characters had to go through some sudden change without ever asking for it, but through the consumption of guilt transitions were made. This is how he was able to let his characters grow and develop even more and leave them with the impression that things always can get better in the end. Something can also be added to what creates guilt is what is brought up when involving, â€Å"After Margo disappears, the book turns into a detective story with some riveting moments but a much slower pace to accommodate a few false leads and to develop clues and insights through Q’s interesting exploration and growing comprehension of Leaves and Grass†(Corwin). Relationships are certain short lived experiences throughout the time of being a teenager. As an author, John is able to portray this so called â€Å"teen romance†in the midst of his novels. Not only is it teen romance with simply the thought of it being romantic, but it is familial as well. There are numerous relationships that are known to develop throughout the journey of each novel. Some may grow hindered and falter, while others tend to strengthen and prosper. There are certainly different types of ways family can be expressed of how they are always there for one another, especially to grow. Or in similar cases where such a strong friendship can be as familiar as family and transition into a familial relationship. Then of course there is the romantic relationship where it will either make or break the significant others permanently or become a cherished memory in which they can learn from it. In Looking for Alaska, Miles has parents that are always looking out for him and are willing to provide him with the most self sufficient education. He never had true friends at his previous school, and thanks to this brand new environment he has been placed in he is able to gain friends that will certainly stick with him for the time being. Miles does meet a significant other named Alaska but unfortunately with no proper closure due to her dramatic death in the middle of the novel. As Miles come into conclusion with this sudden thought, â€Å"We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken†(Looking for Alaska 220). All of these relationships in the end do strengthen Miles into becoming the person he has wanted to be all along, which is how this theme is able to create character development. As for Paper Towns, Quentin’s parents were always there to lend a helping hand in case of a situation when he would ever need it. When having to deal with the sudden absence of Margo his parents were able to feel empathy and want to comfort him throughout that entire struggle. There is also a relationship that is formed through a prolonged amount of time between the two main characters Quentin and Margo. Since they have been neighbors as children there was a lot of time for feelings to grow within the rest of the novel. Their relationship strengthens with the following words, I stand in this parking lot, realizing that I’ve never been this far from home, and here is this girl I love and cannot follow. I hope this is the hero’s errand, because not following her is the hardest thing I’ve ever done†(Paper Towns 305). The Fault in Our Stars displays the best relationships simply because they are so strong and steady. Hazel’s main friends are practically her parents and they are her everything. They are always there if she ever needs someone to talk to and since she is supplied with cancer hey are constantly making sure she is okay. This proves how sufficient it is when phrasing the state â€Å"blood is thicker than water†. Hazel needs her parents to survive and she is so grateful to be able to have such a strong bond because of this which is something a typical teenager does not obtain the opportunity of achieving. Most relationships with family are hindered thr oughout this time, but there are ways in which it is different for any teenager Green writes about. The relationship Hazel and Augustus have also correlates with that they are well aware of what the other person is going through. Since both of them are affected with cancer and are constantly reminded of the fact that they can die at any given moment, within that given amount of time they had left they were able to find each other. That was really all they needed and John could not have expressed any of these relationships any more perfectly than he had already done. John is able to portray all certain types of relationships as sincere and genuine. He is able to express all types of relationships and how much of an impact they can make on the lives of teenagers. It is normal for a teen to be able to experience all of the consequences and benefits that correlate with this as well. A critic discussing the love between Augustus and Hazel mentions, â€Å"The Fault in Our Stars doesn’t just dispense with fake sentiment; it offers us a powerful shot of the real stuff in its place. The love between Hazel and Gus–the courage and humor with which they manage their grief for each other and for themselves–is as real and intense as any I’ve seen in recent fiction, young adult or otherwise†(Grossman). Their relationship that is created is as real as ever when being depicted upon words. There are struggles and hardships but there is affection and strength alongside these two teens. It is what makes up the rest of the novel due to being two dynamic characters. Another thing that exemplifies their love states, â€Å"He shows us true love  two teenagers helping and accepting each other through the most humiliating physical and emotional ordeals  and it is far more romantic than any sunset on the beach†(Standiford). They are far more romantic than most typical couples and John makes the two stand for something in their own unique way. Both critics are able to comprehend why their love is so important and why it was able to leave an impact on all readers. Coming of age is definitely something that is rather challenging to overcome, especially when regarding the terms of a rebellious and stubborn teenager. It is what all young adults must face at some point in their lives and John uses this theme throughout the endings of his novels to express the self growth of an individual and for self-actualization to occur vividly. In most cases, teens feel as though they are all knowing omniscient individuals who make themselves feel as though they are invincible and adventurous. In Paper Towns, John depicts Margo as an extremely independent and self sufficient teen. He is able to describe the struggles of Margo refusing to confront her troubles with growing up and graduating high school. As for the other character Quentin, John is able to have the readers visualize the changes he goes through and comes into terms with his true potential by the end of Paper Towns. Quentin describes his feelings as such, â€Å"I hope this is the hero’s errand, because not following her is the hardest thing I’ve ever done†(Paper Towns 304). Due to Quentin realizing he no longer needs to chase Margo like he had been doing so in such a careless, silly manner he can now focus on his future and actually grow up for good. Examples of growing up with Looking for Alaska are all surrounded by the ongoing thought processes occurring within the mind of Miles. He had never known what it was like to actually fall in love or even have real friends that were willing to be there for him and hang out with him which had already transitioned the way Miles perceived things as it is. This theme is able to develop more towards the novel by John being able to express the feelings of the protagonist and how Miles was able to learn all of his lessons and overcome them by growing up. For the majority of the novel he had blamed the death of his love Alaska but luckily, his coming of age made him mature and overcome all of his negative situations and placing them into a much more positive perspective. The Fault in Our Stars puts the theme into a whole different perspective. Hazel unfortunately has to live a different lifestyle from everyone else due to the fact that she is more aware of her chances of survival among a crowd of others and that nothing can ever be placed as permanent. When dealing with coming of age, Hazel realizes what she is able to do by stating, â€Å"You of all people know it is possible to live with pain†(The Fault In Our Stars 300). Green is able to consider how different the lives of cancer patients are stricken with. Hazel’s terms of coming to age really meant of how her overall experiences with Augustus changed her as a person in the end. She grew so much more from it and knew what it was like to love someone within her own perspective of infinity. The topic of cancer and coming of age through it is speculated as, â€Å"The subject of cancer, especially in children, is surrounded by a huge–one could almost say tumorous–mass of sentimental rhetoric, and as Gus and Hazel circle each other, they work self-consciously against it, irradiating it with their merciless scorn†(Grossman). Hazel was also able to meet her idol in Sweden which also provided her with insight on how different people can appear to be behind closed doors. A way the whole theme can be justified until the very end of the novel is when the following states, â€Å"As Hazel and Gus often remind each other, the world is not a wish-granting factory. Nevertheless, †a forever within the numbered days†can be found, and as Hazel shows us, maybe that’s all we can ask for†(Standiford). Coming of age just proves how insight can be gained to create wisdom within the individual teenager that John is able to create inside of the world of his characters. Despite the fact that John is currently on the market of being viewed as a new author, he still has so much successful work to make up for his lack of being around for long. All lasting contributions are because of the fact that he is such a new author with a high peak of success that only destines him to be around for so much longer. He is also rather well known on the internet all because of the influence of YouTube which is yet another occupation he is responsible for. YouTubers view his videos consistently and John is one to be willing to contribute to something in the world. His name cannot simply be forgotten, considering the fact that he is already such a fresh footprint marked in the soil among other world famous authors. All of his videos on the internet and novels that he has written so far all tend to convey important messages that we can all hold onto dearly. Whether it be an opportunity of gaining new insight of anything Green feels the need of expressing his opinion for in his videos or even teaching us something new. There is always something that is being contributed to others. That being said, his novels mark the greatest impact of all, reaching out to his fellow eaders. He comforts everyone and lets everyone all know that we are never alone no matter what struggles we are forced to face. There are so many circumstances in which his novels can apply to numerous experiences the novels have been through as well. All of these messages imply that we can relate to something that John has contributed to and whether is it a video or a book, his work is always there to welcome all viewers home. Works Cited Boarders, Rich. â€Å"An Interview: with John Green, Author of Looking for Alaska. †Books. Cart, Michael. â€Å"The Value of Young Adult Literature. Young Adult Library Association. Corbett, Sue. â€Å"Double Identity. †Publishers Weekly 257. 7 (2010): 28-29. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. Green, John. Looking for Alaska. New York: Dutton, 2005. Print. â€â€. Paper Towns. New York: Dutton, 2008. Print. â€â€. The Fault in Our Stars. New York: Dutton, 2012. Print. Grossman, Lev. â€Å"The Topic Of Cancer. †Time 179. 5 (2012): 54. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. Standiford, Natalie. â€Å"The Tenacity Of Hope. †New York Times Book Review (2012): 16. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. â€Å"A Signature Move Pays off for John Green BookPage. BookPage Discover Your Next Great Book! Web. 10 Feb. 2012. â€Å"Author, Author. †Kirkus Reviews 78. 7 (2010): 1 4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. â€Å"Bloomsbury Publishing Author Biography: John Green John Green. †Bloomsbury. Bloomsbury Publishing Author Biography. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. â€Å"John Green’s Biography. †John Green–Author of Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. â€Å"Personal John Green. †Biography. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. â€Å"The Fault In Our Stars. †Kirkus Reviews 80. 2 (2012): 182. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. The Fault In Our Stars. †Publishers Weekly 259. 3 (2012): 57. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. â€Å"Quite in the Grasp. †Quiet in the Grasp of Dusk, and Summer, and Stars. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. John Green: Literary Catalog WorksPublication Year Books: Looking for Alaska2005 An Abundance of Katherines2006 Paper Towns2008 Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances2008 Will Grayson, Will Grayson2010 The Fault in Our Stars2012 Short stories: The A pproximate Cost of Loving Coraline2006 The Great American Morp2007 Freak the Geek2009 Reasons2011 Other: Thisisnottom2009 Zombicorns2010
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