Saturday, November 30, 2019
Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in “Crash†Essay Example
Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash†Paper Paul Haggis’ (2004) movie â€Å"Crash†is a powerful portrayal on the way in which racial discrimination as a complex social problem affects the lives of people. Set in Los Angeles, the movie shows how different people often â€Å"crash†into each other’s lives and unconsciously create ripples in these interactions. The effectivity of Higgis’ depiction lies on the utter simplicity by which the movie is able to show the nuances of interlocking problems from multiple perspectives. Interestingly, the movie also poses the problem of coping in a multi-cultural society where racism is almost a norm in itself and shows how gender and socio-economic gaps contribute to and reinforce racial stereotypes and biases. The film’s exploration on the barriers erected by racial, gender, and income disparities is perhaps best portrayed by Matt Dillon who plays the character John Ryan, a police officer who has been working for seventeen years with the Los Angeles Police Department. Ryan is a single, white, male who lives with and takes care of his aging father off-duty and who spends most of the time in the movie demanding a better doctor from his father’s healthcare company. Ryan is both a dutiful son to his father and the police force, however, his character harbors the frustration resulting from the conflicts of his status as a male Caucasian in the lower rungs of the economic ladder which prevents him from providing better quality of healthcare to his ailing father. It is from thses conflicting roles that his bitterness and disdain towards privileged people of color arises. We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash†specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash†specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Discrimination, Deviance, and Redemption in â€Å"Crash†specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Most of the poignant scenes which emphasize his bitterness and his attempt to compensate for his disadvantaged position show Ryan attempting to get back at his perceived tormentors either by physically or verbally harassing them using his position as a police officer and his status as a Caucasian. In the early part of the film, for instance, he is the stereotypical white, racist cop who stops an SUV driven for no apparent reason than the fact that it is driven by a black American and proceeds to create false charges against him. Clearly a case of selective perception where people are almost always quick to prejudge other people based on the color of their skin or other stereotypes, Ryan treats the man, a film director, like a common criminal. Unfortunately, the man’s wife, played by Thandie Newton, sees the cop’s real agenda for stopping them and protests arrogantly that â€Å"You thought you saw a white woman performing fellatio on a black man? †¦ †¦? that’s why you stopped us. †(Haggis, 2004) This visibly enrages Ryan who, not wanting to show weakness and lose his power in front of his much younger police partner, retaliates by subjecting the woman to a body search and sexually offending her. The act is both an offense and an insult against the woman and her husband, who are forced to endure the harassment and even apologize to the police officer for a supposed crime. In another scene, Ryan pays Shaniqua a personal visit to discuss his father’s deteriorating health and painful condition which expectedly ends in conflict when he subjects her to racial slurs in an attempt to compel her to do more for his father. He tells her of his father’s effort to provide employment in his business and of the loss he suffered when the Government started adopting a preference for companies owned by racial minorities. She is not moved by Ryan’s tirade of his father’s contribution to the African-American community, however, because of Ryan’s racist remarks and instead tells him that she would have signed the necessary papers if Ryan had been nicer.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How did Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon consolidate their thrones and pacify their kingdoms in the late fifteenth century Essays
How did Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon consolidate their thrones and pacify their kingdoms in the late fifteenth century Essays How did Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon consolidate their thrones and pacify their kingdoms in the late fifteenth century Essay How did Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon consolidate their thrones and pacify their kingdoms in the late fifteenth century Essay The achievements of the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella, Queen of Castile (1474-1504) and Ferdinand, King of Aragon (1479-1516) have long been admired by historians. ( /classroom/alevel/catholic.htm). When they married in October 1469, it resulted in the instigation of the consolidation of their thrones. The route to unification was not easy for them, they had several difficulties to overcome and it was not actually until five years after Isabella was crowned the queen of Castile that the entire kingdom finally came under her control and the couple became the joint sovereigns of Aragon and Castile. Imperial Spain was born from this Union of the Crowns.To assess how the consolidation of the thrones came about I plan to look in detail to the routes that had to be taken to unite the crowns. Also, once consolidated the way Isabella and Ferdinand managed to pacify the kingdoms.Before 1479 imperial Spain did not exist. The Iberian peninsular c onsisted of Portugal, Castile and Aragon (with three separate crowns).In 1406 Juan II became successor to the throne of Castile. However as a minor, this brought a period of much instability in the kingdom. His son Henry IV succeeded him in 1454. Chroniclers claim that he was incompetent, impotent and unfit to rule ( /alevel/catholic.html) and the great nobles liberally exploited his power. With this strength of the nobles, they felt they could question his choice of successor.A group of nobles led by Alfonso Carillo, archbishop of Toledo, supported the rights of Isabella, the half-sister of Henry IV, as successor. Henry agreed to the nobles but only on the condition that she marry the widowed, much her elder, Alfonso V, king of Portugal. However Isabella had plans of her own, in search of allies, to strengthen her position and with the influence of the great nobles pressurising her into the decision, she chose Ferdinand, heir of Aragon, a plan h is father Juan II had been trying to initiate for some time. The matrimonial alliance was sought more eagerly by the Aragonese than by the Castilian branch, as Juan II was faced by revolution not only by Catalonia but also by the expansionist ambitions of Louis XI of France.The couple married in secret on 19 October 1469. As cousins, it became necessary to forge a papal bull which allowed them to marry within the forbidden degrees. Many people were strongly opposed to the marriage including Louis XI who had been hoping to secure Castile by a union between his brother and Isabella. There were also other nobles led by the powerful Mendoza family, who supported as heiress, Henrys infant daughter Juana (born 1463) known as La Beltraneja since it was rumoured that her real sire was Beltran de la Cueva, Duke of Albuquerque.When Henry IV heard of the event he disowned Isabella and recognised Juana as his heir. Nevertheless the kings death in 1474 eased the crisis that Isabella would have t o take to become Queen. Isabella was crowned Queen of castile in Segovia on 13th December 1474, the first step of the five year upward struggle for the throne. In May 1475, encouraged by her adherents, Juana, now married to Alfonso V of Portugal duly claimed the throne. Portuguese troops crossed the frontier into Castile, and risings broke out against Isabella and Ferdinand all through the country. What followed was a genuine civil war with Juana not only backed by Old Castile and most of Andalusia but also had the assistance of the Portuguese troops. Isabella was eventually victorious however with the assistance of Ferdinand who negotiated and used his militaristic skills giving Isabella advantage and maintaining the theory that Juana was not the true daughter of Henry IV. It was a slow process but eventually in 1479 Castile came under Isabellas control. The same year Juan II of Aragon died and Ferdinand and Isabella eventually became the joint sovereign of Castile and Aragon.The U nion of Crowns was regarded as a union of equals although each kingdom preserved its own social, political, and economic realities.. Aragon was an empire in decline while Castiles empire was just beginning to rise under its energetic young queen. Isabella was a devoted Christian and this religious conviction motivated her campaign to expel the Moors and Jews from Spain and spread Christianity to the rest of the world. Ferdinand, on the other hand, focused on Aragons Italian possessions and a series of royal marriages with the other royal houses of Europe.Even so Ferdinand and Isabella worked together to reform Spain. Until Queen Isabellas victory, politically Castile had been in turmoil. During the opening years of the fifteenth century the Castilian kings had become pawns in the hands of the Castilian aristocracy who exercised a great deal of political power as they had gained control over the majority of the land taken from the Moors. They represented only 3 per cent of the popula tion but owned almost 50 per cent of the land in Castile, leaving the remaining land divided between the Crown and the Church. Once Isabella and Ferdinand had firmly pacified the country, they planned to change this. They began restricting the power of the aristocracy by centralising their government and expanding their judicial system. Hence the monarchy was reformed and it was no longer in turmoil and firmly under the Crowns control.This stabilized the monarchys authority enough so that they could then focus on the completion of the reconquest. United, Ferdinand led the forces of Aragon and Castile to triumph thanks to his military and diplomatic skill. He and Isabella walked together in victory through the gates of Granada, the last Muslim place of defense, in Spain 1492. To Isabella this was a very important demonstration of her very strict Catholic faith and inspired the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition. The results included the expulsion of Muslims from the peninsula and t he expulsion of Jews from her kingdoms in order to create a homogeneous population of Christians. That same year, 1492, Isabella sponsored an expedition by Christopher Columbus that located America and signaled the beginning of a new era for Imperial Spain when he discovered America.Although the Monarchy had been unified in the sense of crowns it failed to emerge the kingdoms in the sense of people and in the sense of a national identity. Other than the fact that the two kingdoms would share the same monarchs, but in other respects they carried on leading the same lives. The only difference now would be that they were now partners, not rivals. Throughout their reign, the word Spain, referred to as it had done in medieval times, to the association of all the peoples in the peninsula, and had no specific political meaning and because of its imprecision they never used Spain in their official title calling themselves instead King and Queen of Castile, Leà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½n, Aragon, Sicily an d so on. Beyond the personal union, no attempt was made to change the complete autonomy of Castile and Aragon, and the achievement of a united Spain was never an objective of theirs. Minor improvements such as easing transport of goods between the realms, and decreeing equality between the three principal gold coins of Spain, helped economic exchange. But all the custom barriers that separated the kingdoms remained fully on force, and their institutions were kept separate.Going back to the medieval ages the crowns of Castile and Aragon had evolved in dissimilar ways, had different ideals and distinct institutions. The major differences were Castile was much larger, occupying almost four times that of Aragon and holding almost 80 per cent of the population, castile was essentially a united state with a single government; it had one Cortes, one tax structure, one language and one coinage, all this added to its size and population gave it greater political initiative than Aragon where each realm was governed independently by its own Cortes.With these major distinctions in mind it would and no attempt to change any of them, it is hard to say that Isabella and Ferdinand are the founders of an emergent Spain. It is true that they consolidated the thrones and pacified their kingdoms. But the only real unification was made by the crowns, not by the people. Also it is true that if it wasnt for them, it is likely that there would be no Spain today. If Juana had become sovereign, the world as we know it today may have been very different as it was Isabella who funded Columbus trip to America and without her Spanish America may not exist. They may not have set out to unify Spain but given time that is precisely what has happened. Along with the peace and order they brought, the emergence of Spain they can also take responsibility for.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Age of the Joker (2012) by Edguy
As seen with their newest album, Space Police, these are crazy people when it comes to power metal. Toby and the gang have made somwthing a bit more special with this release here. This is really where they pull out all the stops to be funny. For these guys, forget the term power metal, instead use the term Comedy Metal because thats what this band really is. Age of the Joker is an album that has many a good tracks in it to keep you on your toes. My personal favorite is the track 2 Out of 7 which is more like a love song gone wrong. The final stretch of the song also has the greatest line ever in power metal history. You know a songs good if it could catch you off guard in a good way like that. Believe me it did, I wasnt hardly listening to it until that line came up and slapped me in the face. This has also made an appearence on The Metal Voices top 10 albums of 2012 making Number 4 I believe. I love this album with a passion and would love to own it on a vinyl and/or CD. I recommend you check this out if you love power metal, you can say you like Iron Maiden and would may still enjoy it. A sfor the rating I give it a 10/10.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analysis of a Healthcare Lawsuit Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysis of a Healthcare Lawsuit - Case Study Example Eric H. Holder Jr., the defendant as the United States Attorney General is directly responsible for the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of the Health Care and Reconciliation amendment passed by the US President Barrack Obama on the 23rd of March 2010 (Mead v. Holder‎, 2011). According to section 1501, it requires every American to buy a health care policy from any private company or institution if he/she can afford to do so. This clause will force thousands of American citizens to forcefully buy an insurance policy from many banks and companies and if they fail to do so and do not pass the individual mandate, they will have to face a penalty and would have to pay the government with a penalty known as the Shared Responsibility payment. This penalty may also be applicable over the individual’s spouse or dependent family members. The payment for the Health Care insurance Policy and the Shared responsibility are excluding taxes. The Shared Responsibility payment, if continued would also continue to increase every year. This law will also be forcefully applied on the 62-year old American Citizen, Miss Margaret Peggy Lee Mead, who is a self-employed Single American citizen living in the State of North Carolina. She also works part time and is not eligible for Medicare. However, Miss Mead is also not under any exemption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and is also not exempted from the Shared Responsibility payment she would have to pay over the years to the government consequently. The Plaintiff would have to pay a Shared Responsibility Payment of around $3,895 to the government by 2020 in different installments per year if she does not opt for a Health Care and Insurance policy from any private entity as per the individual mandate enforced by the act. Miss Mead is under direct enforcement of the act and is under no exemption. This enforcement would
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Principles of Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Principles of Economics - Essay Example For example, this figure is equivalent to 9% of the German and 8% of the United States’ per capita GDP. Furthermore, in terms of nature of resources, China has somewhat a small holds of resources based on per capita criteria, which is not even comparable to a developed country of a modest character. These facts reveal the extent of the economic gap between China and the developed countries, which sets it trailing behind (Wolf, 2005). To sustain the country on an economic growth path, the Chinese Government has the responsibility of making significant policy adjustments. These policies should be aimed at transitioning the country from middle-income to high-income status. This includes finding measures to address the social and environment imbalances, improving the access to healthcare and education, setting targets to reduce pollution, expanding social protection, and increasing the country’s energy efficiency (Wolf, 2005). The government should also make efforts to disc over a new road to industrialization, and modify the approach of economic development by developing a circular economy, changing the industrial structure, improving the traditional industries and supporting the strategic and emerging industries. The government of China should also promote use of information technology to support industrialization, which in turn can spur the country’s competitive advantage especially in respect to its expansive manufacturing industry. It would also be extremely important for the government of China to continue focusing on its regional development strategies, including turning around the tendency of widening regional economic gap such as supporting the development of the western regions. The idea of supporting development on certain priority zones can be achieved by setting the national spatial development in an orderly and coordinated manner, which should also include coordinating between urban and rural areas development (Sun, 2003). Question 2 When we say that we are engaged in a ‘global economy’, we mean that we are engaged in economic activities that are beyond a particular country’s borders. This includes a situation where international corporations stop relying on production within the mother country and extend their activities to many countries around the world. The global economy is concerned with globalization of production in areas such as finance, markets, labor force and communications (Ernst & Ozawa, 2002). When we talk of free trade, we are referring to a situation where the government of a certain nation eliminates all the artificial barriers to trade, which are usually established to protect the domestic producers from competition from the international market, particularly originating from the trading nations. Free trade is known to increase production because nations are given an opportunity to concentrate in production of those products that they have a competitive advantage. This e nables countries to enjoy efficiencies that come from increased output and economies of scale. Free trade also promotes the efficiency of resource allocation hence spurring production efficiency. This is because individual countries are able to exercise efficient use of resources, which potentially results to higher output (Ernst & Ozawa, 2002). On the other hand, despite the many benefits, there a number of disadvantages associated with free trade. This includes creation of structural unemployment as a result of removal of trade
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Assignment 1 Trends in the Workplace Essay Example for Free
Assignment 1 Trends in the Workplace Essay Predict three (3) human resource functions that are likely to be affected by the implementation of an MRP system. Propose two (2) ways in which you as a human resource manager can help the organization carry out this change successfully. As material resource planning (MRP) involves the initiation of the automation of planning needs for resources, ordering materials, and scheduling tasks to be completed on the shop floor; it is to be expected that certain functions of human resources will be directly affected with the implementation of the MRP system. The first of these would be job analysis which is the process of getting detailed information about the job and job design which involves defining the way work will be performed and the tasks involved in completing those requirements. Obviously the shift from manual process to automation will change the standards for certain task requirements and necessitate the assessment of standards of performance. This leads directly to the affectation of a second human resource function of training and development. Training and development will become a priority as the MRP system will require dedicated orientation to introduce the systems to the employees. This will need to be a well planned undertaking for information, disclosure and inquiry response. Skill development will also need to be provided to prepare the users of the new systems for the task the implementing of automated systems can cause unrest in a business setting so it is important that employee relations and communications be kept transparent making this the third human resource function to be affected as the MRP system is implemented. Two ways in which human resource managers should be prepared to implement this change successfully is to first be fully vested in the resource that is human capital. Human resource managers should be prepared to identify those individuals who have the skill set to complete the transition for the prescribed tasks by clearly stating the task, its objectives and setting realistic goals and attainment periods. Secondly, human resource managers are to make sure the employees progress matches the goals that have been set forth. This is performance management and is critical in a transitional period. Determine three (3) human resource skills that would be important for success in leveraging the new MRP system. An undertaking of the magnitude of the MRP transition will require the use of many human resource management skills. The most important of these skills is the ability to effectively communicate. This includes written communication skills, oral communication skills and both verbal and non verbal skills and active listening can be included here as well. Critical thinking will be needed to make decisions for situations that may arise during the transition as well. Lastly, a strong sense of judgment and decision making abilities will be required. There will no doubt be times human resource managers may be called upon to make instant decisions or implement changes in an effort to complete the transition as complex issues arise. These times will require an aggressive approach to meet the quality and standards of the business. Based on the planned growth of the organization, predict three (3) factors that might impact the organization’s ability to hire new employees that possess the technical skills needed to perform a job. One factor that may have an impact the organizations ability to hire new employees that possess the desired technical skills for the performance of a job is initially recognizing the need to hire or promote a current vacancy. A second factor is determining the relevance of the current job description and whether it is in full alignment with the now automated position. This might require a simple review of the current job analysis paying close attention to the level of skill required for completing the task. Finally, a clear identification of the duties and responsibilities should be presented in order to solicit an eligible workforce. . References Essentials of human resource management. S. Tyson. Elsevier. 2008. 464. Human resource management: contemporary approach. Textbook. J. Beardwell, T. Claydon. Pearson. 2010. 710 p. Whitehill. A. M. Japanese management: tradition and transition. Publisher, Routledge, 1991.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Pros and Cons of Becoming a Cyborg: Trading Flesh for Metal :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Pros and Cons of Becoming a Cyborg: Trading Flesh for Metal Since the beginning of time, man has attempted to avoid the inevitable. In his endless pursuit of perfection, man has tried to dodge the grim reaper. Death is certain; life is not. Yet through technological interventions, man is attempting to be godlike and live eternally. Through these same interventions, man is becoming transformed into a cyborg. Currently, the technology has not arrived so that a man will be able to have more metal in his body than he would have flesh. But if one could be a cyborg , if one could live longer, jump higher, store more info, and become more efficient would they? Would one become a cyborg if it meant no more pain, no more suffering, but in exchange would require thousands of dollars worth of hardware and hundreds of hours’ worth of surgery. Today I will explore some of the pros and cons of becoming a cyborg. I will also explore how people today like Stelarc have already taken steps and modified their own bodies to become cyborgs. I wi ll also define some of the ethical and morals issues supporting and criticizing the transformation from flesh to metal, with the end result becoming a cyborg. First of all, one must define what a cyborg is, and also clearly define what a cyborg consist of. A cyborg is a combination of man and technology. Robocop, The Terminator, Spock are all clear examples of what a cyborg is. A cyborg is a combination of human life and artificial intelligence. What about the elderly, would they be considered cyborgs? Yes, with pacemakers surgically installed within their bodies, the elderly, according to the definition, are considered to be cyborgs. So then, what the hell is a cyborg? One may believe the best place to locate a definition is the Webster’s New World Dictionary; it defines cyborgs as â€Å"a hypothetical human being modified for life in a hostile or alien environment by the substitution of artificial organs and other body parts. Using the basic definition will not be enough, it is too broad. One cannot really determine what a cyborg is and what a cyborg is not. For instance, suppose if people followed this definition that would mean that anyone wearing a watch, contacts, glasses, or using headphones would be considered a cyborg.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Abuse of monopoly power Essay
Imagine what it would be like if there was only one bakery in your home town, and no possibility of opening up a new one because of the fact that there are no shops for rent. People who are looking to get their hands on freshly baked bread would have no choice but to go to the one bakery. We say that the baker is a monopolist; that is, he is the only baker in the market and is thus able to set the price at whichever levels he wants. Chances are that the price of bread is going to be considerably higher than if the baker had to compete with others for consumers. The result, as this lesson deals with, is market failure as a result of the abuse of monopoly power. MONOPOLY POWER AND MARKET FAILURE A monopoly exists when there is only one producer of a certain product. Other firms are prevented from competing with the monopolist because of the very high barriers to entry. Because of this, the monopolist is a price setter – it can itself decide what price to charge so long as it covers the cost of production. It is often argued that Microsoft has a monopoly on the operating system market, making consumers pay a very high price for Windows as they buy a new computer. Another example comes from supermarkets, which may acquire a monopoly in a neighbourhood if planning permission to build other shops is denied. It can then sell the same products as it would sell before, but for a much higher price. Hence, in such markets, the price and quantity demanded of the product do not reflect a true equilibrium – abuse of monopoly power is a kind of market failure resulting from the ability to charge a higher price than it otherwise would. Moreover, the quantity on the market is restricted below what is socially optimum by the monopolist. This results in a welfare loss, as consumer surplus is not maximised, which is represented by the grey triangle in the diagram below. Examiner Tip However, in cases where we have a negative externality (e. g. pollution) it would actually be good to have a monopolist that restricts the quantity – the welfare loss would rather be a welfare gain in this case. Government intervention is common in the case of monopolies, if they abuse of their power and damage consumers’ welfare. Possible responses include: ?Legislation – competition policies to ensure that markets are not dominated by one firm only, as the EU proceedings against Microsoft show. ?Regulation – for example, planning regulations could be relaxed to allow more shops to open in the same area where the supermarket operates. ?Nationalisation – this is the case of national monopolies where the state takes over a business and regulates prices in the social interest. E. g. Following the financial crisis of 2008 banks, insurance companies and car manufacturers were nationalised in the USA and UK. ?Trade liberalisation – allowing foreign firms to compete in the national market contributes to breaking up monopolies that were formed due to the lack of internal competitors. What you should know ? Monopolies act as single producers in a market and can set prices and quantity. ?Their power may be abused, damaging consumers’ welfare. ?Government intervention can limit abuse of power through legislation, regulation, nationalisation and trade liberalisation.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Categorizing Funding Requirements Essay
Each requirement should be funded in different ways. In other words, the nature of the funding requirement dictates the preferred type of funding. For example, core funding needs as a general rule will be satisfied by equity funding and, if available, long-term debt. Short-term cyclical funding and contingency requirements usually are satisfied by shorter-term bank lines. Analyzing the total funding needs of the business into these three categories calls for judgment as to which requirements are core and which are cyclical and of short-term or medium-term duration. There is no one correct answer, and much depends on the nature of the company’s business. For example, a property investment company might categorize funding to pay for completed property developments as core funding for a long-term asset, while a property development company would categorize the costs of a development as cyclical short- to medium-term funding for an asset it confidently will expect to sell on completion of the development. †¢The long-term funding requirements of a business are the funds needed to finance its core business assets such as land, buildings and equipment. Every business has core assets, although it is not always readily apparent what they are. For example, the core assets of airline companies at one time were their fleets of aircraft. Now, however, many airlines avoid owning aircraft, preferring to lease them, and their main core assets have become information technology systems and landing slots at airports. Some hotel groups have ceased owning the hotels they manage, and their core assets are the management contracts for hotels that are owned by third parties. †¢Most companies are subject to cyclical or seasonal fluctuations in their cash flow, often reflecting a seasonal trading pattern. Even companies with no apparent cyclical influences on cash flow, receiving a relatively constant stream of income, might in reality have a short-term cash flow cycle. They might, for example, accumulate cash receipts at a steady rate throughout each month but make bulk payments (for materials and wages and salaries) only one or two days each month, or just once every quarter (for rent payments). Business cycles, and their associated cash flows, can span several years, for example in the development of agricultural and forestry businesses. †¢Contingency funds are to meet unexpected requirements. A company should have access to contingency funding for a number of reasons. There could be an unexpected downturn in one of its markets or the opportunity to make an acquisition. The level of contingency funding depends on such factors as: †¢the volatility of the markets in which the company operates †¢the vulnerability of the earnings stream to market recession †¢the dependence on one or just a few major customers for achieving sales targets †¢Management’s desire for growth by making acquisitions.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Neosporin and Alcohol are killers
Neosporin and Alcohol are killers Efficiency of Neosporin and Alcohol in Killing Bacteria Efficiency of Neosporin and Alcohol in Killing Bacteria Neosporin is one of the most common topical antibiotics on the market. It is applied on smaller wounds to prevent contamination from bacteria. Consequently, the other hand alcohol is also effective in killing bacteria. However, the effects of alcohol when used for treatment are different. Neosporin is a powerful antibiotic and the side effects are remarkably crucial. This is observable when alcohol and Neosporin are placed into two separate samples of water. The alcohol will kill the bacteria more effectively, because most medicines contain alcohol in order to kill the bacteria Neosporin is rare to acne sufferers. It kills bacteria through spreading over the wound. In addition, it speeds the healing of the wound and prevents the appearance of small scars. Neosporin is a combination of Polymixin-B that kills many bacterial beyond Benzoyl peroxide. However, Neosporin is likely to cause drying because it uses an oil base under the surface of the skin. Consequently, the oil produced by the skin glands is likely to become an obstacle to a clear skin. For instance, foot odor is an effect of bacterial infection on the feet. Neosporin is an antibiotic, which eliminates such bacteria efficiently (Lawrence, 2003, 204). Despite the various benefits from Neosporin, precautions of Pfizer should be taken into account. These include not using the antibiotic over a large area on the body. Application for more than one week is not encouraged unless authorized by the doctor. Neosporin can kill more impartial the P. Acnes bacteria that form in pustules. It also kills many of the existing agents that normally support the skin resist harmful bacteria. In addition, the skin can establish an antibiotic resistance which could give an individual more disposed to stern infection. Because of these effects, the enduring, consistent use of a stout antibiotic like Neosporin is mostly to be avoided. Alcohol kills bacteria by making the lipids that form the outer defensive cell membrane of every bacterium cell much soluble in water. Hence the cell membrane begins to lose its operational reliability and falls separately. As the cell membrane crumbles, alcohol can then penetrate the cell and denature proteins in each bacterium. Alcohol is a molecular means used to prevent the growth of bacterial. It also creates a condition that protects to repopulate or populate. However, it does not kill the bacteria. Isopropryl Alcohol destroys the cell wall of the membrane in bacteria. This is significant in re-population. However, alcohol acts as a drying lubricant to the skin. This is a disadvantage as it does not evaporate thus bacteria has to be forced off with a cloth. This is to trap any bacterial being swayed away by the alcohol (Jacknin, 2001, pg. 345). In conclusion, alcohol is much efficient antiseptic in killing bacteria because it achieves its goal subtly by coagulation. This is different from other methods like active poisoning. Research has indicated that alcohol antibiotic is 80% effective in bacterial denaturing. Moreover, the lipids freely dissolve in Alcohol causing disrupter of their membranes. live CHAT
Monday, November 4, 2019
A good (or bad) parent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A good (or bad) parent - Essay Example A child’s first school is his home and it is the teaching of the parents which forms the first stage of learning for children. The role of parents in shaping the character and the future of a child cannot be ignored. But a good parent would truly be one who would be able to nurture their child by instilling all the good qualities that are needed to make a good person. A good parent is defined as one who shows understanding for the needs of their children, supports them to boost their confidence and at the same time teaches the importance of ethics and values to the child. For effective parenting, it is essential that a parent is aware of the needs of their children. A good parent is considerate and understands the needs of their child and helps them accordingly. A perfect example is that of the children who are slow and do not outshine in their academics due to different reasons which may include lack of concentration or poor learning skills. It is the duty of the parent to be thoughtful towards the need of their child rather than scolding the child for not being able to achieve the best grades in class. A parent should be able to assess where their child stands and they should have an effective communication with their children to improve understanding of the physical as well as psychological demands of the young growing mind. This would provide for a healthy upbringing for the children as they would not be under stress and exertion.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Structural Stability Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Structural Stability Statement - Essay Example The weight of the tower is not distributed uniformly along the height of the Tower; there is more material at the base than near the top. The Tower consists of lattice-work columns at each of the four corners, in which diagonals connect four elements, thus making stiff, but lightweight columns. Each primary element is actually composed of many sub elements. The overall structure has a vertical axis between the two columns, but, individually, each column has its own axis that follows the curve of the elements. These axes are idealized as parabolas. Four types of loads act on the Tower: Dead load, Live load, Wind load and Thermal load. Dead load and the Wind load generate more forces as compared to the rest. Owing to its lattice structure, the tower is relatively lightweight and creates a force of only 4.5 kg/cm2 on the foundation. The wind force is one of the chief forces which create horizontal loads over the tower. It can be understood as a type of uniformly distributed load over the entire height of the tower. The overall bending moment from the horizontal wind load will produce tension in one column and compression in the other. Exaggerated action under wind load is shown: The wind pressure on the Tower is stronger near the top than at the bottom, but the wind force is fairly uniform because the Tower is tapered. The wind force will create a higher vertical reaction in the leeward support and a lower vertical reaction in the windward support because the wind alone would create compression in the leeward support and tension in the windward support. In combination with the forces generated by dead load, the forces can be seen as stated in the diagram. Reactions The overall reactions at the base of the Tower are easily found from the wind and gravity loads. Overall vertical and horizontal reactions will develop to balance the respective loads. A moment reaction will also develop to balance the horizontal load applied through its centroid a distance l/2 from the support. The Internal Forces The simplest internal forces are the axial ones, which result from the vertical loads and reactions. They reach a maximum at the base of the Tower. These horizontal forces tend to push the Tower apart but are resisted by the connection all along the Tower and the ground. The columns of the Tower, under the effect of the vertical load, would slide apart if there were no connections between them. These connections, which have been idealized as continuous, experience tension force equal to the horizontal forces they are resisting. The axial force will decrease with height as the vertical load and angle of inclination decrease. The second platform is subjected to the entire load of top and middle part of the tower. The forces at the higher points are lower as compared to the base and hence the higher members have a lesser amount of cross sectional area. The
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