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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Study of Traumatic Life Events in Link with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Running head: Effect of Traumatic Life Events on OCD A Study of Traumatic Life Events in Link with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder A Study of Traumatic Life Events in Link with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-enthusiastic turmoil, OCD, as characterized by the National Institute of Mental Health is a tension issue that is recognized by relentless, undesirable considerations as well as impulses (â€Å"NIMH,†2007). OCD is one of the most costly and constant types of psychopathology. Despite the fact that OCD has been thought of as a genuinely uncommon turmoil, ongoing examinations have discovered that 1. †4% of the populace has some type of OCD. While the comprehension of this ailment has been extended in the course of recent decades there still stays a lot to be found out about the causes and starting point of the illness. One factor that is thought to add to the beginning or heightening of most mental issue is distressing life occasions particularly horrible life oc casions (Cromer, Schmidt, and Murphy, 2006, p. 2). Anyway there has not been critical research on the relationship of unpleasant life occasions or horrible life occasions with OCD. This examination endeavors to look at the possible connections between's awful life occasions and OCD, if any whatsoever are available (Cromer, et al. , 2006, p. 3-4). Strategy An aggregate of 265 members, being in any event eighteen years old, all with some level of OCD as their essential infection, took an interest in this examination. Patients with schizophrenia, extreme mental hindrance, or at present discouraged people were prohibited from this investigation. The members were met and tried utilizing four unique techniques. These strategies incorporated the Structured Clinical Interview with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (SCID), the Yale-Brown Excessive Compulsive scale (Y-BOCS), a horrible life occasion measure, and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The SCID meet was done by a prepared, just as experienced, questioner. Two autonomous specialists at that point checked on the outcomes before making their last visually impaired finding. The Y-BOCS estimated how extreme each participant’s OCD indications were in every one of the four zones. These regions ncorporated storing, requesting/evenness, checking/fixations, and cleaning/tainting (Cromer, et al. , 2006, p. 4). The awful life occasion measure was in a meeting like setting, where the members were given depictions of different horrendous life occasions. After every depiction the members were posed different inquiries about their own encounters with comparable occasions. On the off chance that the member was as yet grieved by any of the occasions the questioner would proceed with a posttraumatic stress issue test, in any case if the member met the capabilities for posttraumatic stress issue. This was done so as to ensure that all awful life occasions were archived appropriately. The last test was the Beck Depression Inventory which, through a full arrangement of twenty-one inquiries, decides if an individual is presently discouraged and the seriousness of their downturn (Cromer, et al. , 2006, p. 5). Results Out of the 265 patients who took an interest in this investigation, 143 of them (generally 54%) had encountered in any event one horrible life occasion at the hour of the examination (Cromer, et al. 2006, p. 1). In the event that more than one occasion experienced, the member endured an expansion in the seriousness of their OCD indications. These outcomes stayed reliable in any event, when pivotal factors, for example, age, nearness of discouragement, and the age OCD initially started were controlled. Of the four side effects of OCD that were tried for requesting/evenness and checking/fixations were found to have the nearest relationship with the nearness of horrible life occasions (Cromer, et al. , 2006, p. 5). Conversation The aftereffects of this examination to a great extent bolster the way that the side effects of OCD are increased by the beginning of awful life occasions (Cromer, et al. , 2006, p. 1). Anyway the scientists accept that there still should test done to explain the connection among OCD and horrendous life occasions as there might be frustrating factors making bogus positives. For instance, quite possibly a portion of the indications (requesting/balance and checking/fixations specifically) are connected to other state of mind and nervousness issue which could be the reason for the higher relationship in the investigation (Cromer, et al. 2006, p. 9). To enhance this there would need to be an investigation done to see how those manifestations respond with different clutters. The awful life occasion information that was gathered was based off what the patients could recall from an earlier time. This recommends this specific information isn't altogether precise. The quality in their explora tion, in any case, is the means by which the SCID test was performed. Not exclusively were there proficient questioners, their work was twofold checked by two autonomous specialists to safeguard the most extreme precision. The members were tried and met in four unique manners to aggregate more information to make an increasingly exact examination (Cromer, et al. , 2006, p. 4). There is something that the scientists notice that I don't totally concur with in any case. Cromer, et al. , says that somebody with OCD would be increasingly touchy to awful life occasions and this would slant the outcomes (2006, p. 10), however it is to my understanding that a horrendous mishap needs just to be awful to the individual it is going on to, regardless of how another spectator might be influenced by a similar circumstance. In the event that the occasion is horrible to the individual they will react to the occasion (both intellectually and truly) similarly as someone else without OCD would react to an occasion that is awful to them. References Cromer, K. R. , Schmidt, N. B. , and Murphy, D. L. (2006) An examination of horrible life occasions and over the top urgent issue. Conduct Research and Therapy 45(7). Recovered September 23, 2007, from ScienceDirect database. (September 28, 2007). NIMH  · Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Recovered October 03, 2007, from http://www. nimh. nih. gov/wellbeing/themes/over the top impulsive issue ocd/record. shtml.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay --
The 1980’s The time of the 1980’s is all around known for its splendidly hued stockings, and prodded hair. Be that as it may, a large portion of us tend overlook the occasions that propelled these broadly perceived patterns. Political force, financial flimsiness, and Sequins, ribbon, and tutu’s are just a figment of what the eighties were really about. The social and monetary occasions of the 1980’s severy affected the design decisions of American ladies during this time. The political occasions in America all through the eighties will consistently be recalled when saying one straightforward, yet amazingly pressed name, Ronald Reagan. In 1981 Reagan was chosen with one of the nations most elevated generally speaking acknowledgment rates. Reagan was a previous Hollywood on-screen character his charm and idealistic style wore off on individuals and America cherished him. We will consistently recollect. We will consistently be glad. We will consistently be readied, so we may consistently be free. [at the D-Day Commemoration in Normandy] Reagan had a direct, to the point that republicans cherished and democrats regarded. With Reagans political race came guarantees of a brilliant future for the US, similar to tax breaks and lower spending. [G]overnment's perspective on the economy could be summarized in a couple of short expressions: If it moves, charge it. On the off chance that it continues moving, control it. What's more, in the event that it quits movi ng, finance it. [Reagan talking about the White House Conference on Small Business] However a little while later, military spending started to rise, causing eliminates from positions and some assessment increments. These and different decisions Ronald Reagan made in office got known as â€Å"Reaganomics.†The way of life was changing all through this time too, a slang term known as the â€Å"yuppie†was conceived. This term was ordinarily used to depict a child of post war America, with an advanced degree, well p... an announcement any place they went and the architects of today are despite everything attempting to complement the body and communicate sexuality. Advertisement crusade plans were changed phenomenally during the 1980’s by receiving that pitching an item with a fabulous lady, home, or family would make the requirement for customers to purchase a decent or administration exclusively with the end goal of have having a superior way of life. This publicizing thought went through the most recent couple of decades is as yet present in the American culture today. The convictions of the eighties were animating and gave adolescences the decision to be anything they desired to be. Regardless of whether that was a pop-symbol, an innovator, or a lawmaker, the 1980’s was a period of strengthening and good faith. These principals are still instructed to youngsters in our general public today lecturing the estimations of self-esteem and diligence to follow their fantasies.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Career Options With a Graduate Degree in Psychology
Career Options With a Graduate Degree in Psychology Student Resources Careers Print Career Options for People With a Graduate Degree in Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on August 16, 2019 John Fedele / Getty Images More in Student Resources Careers APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Students who are interested in studying psychology are often advised that earning a graduate degree is a good idea and, in some cases, even a basic requirement to work in their field of choice. Why? Because in most cases, a graduate degree in psychology can open the door to a much wider range of career opportunities. So, how can students determine which graduate program is right for them? What career options might be best? Because of the huge range of degree options and specialty areas, picking the one that right for you can feel overwhelming. Spending some time researching different career paths can help you decide which career path is suited to your needs, interests, and educational background. The first step is to begin by asking yourself some important questions. How long are you willing to go to school? Where do you envision yourself working? What areas of psychology interest you the most? Some of the most common areas of employment include mental health, education, business, and government. How Long Does it Take to Become a Psychologist? Careers for Those With a Graduate Degree in Psychology Once you have a general idea of what you might like to do, you can start exploring different career paths in greater depth. The following are some of the major areas of employment for those with a graduate degree in psychology. You will also find a selection of career choices that exist in each employment area. Mental Health and Social Services If your ultimate goal is to work directly with people to help them overcome mental illness, then a specialty area focused on mental health and social services would be a good option for you. While there are some entry-level positions in this field for those with a masters degree in psychology, those holding with a PhD or PsyD will find more plentiful job opportunities. Some job titles in this area include: Clinical PsychologistsClinical psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat individuals suffering from mental or emotional illnesses. Most individuals in this area hold a PhD or PsyD, but there are some openings for those with a masters degree.CounselorsCounselors have many of the same job duties as clinical psychologists but tend to work more on helping individuals overcome issues affecting their daily life rather than psychiatric illness. Those employed in this area generally have a masters or doctorate degree in psychology, counseling, or education.?Social WorkersSocial workers often diagnose and treat mental illness or work for social welfare agencies. Those with an undergraduate degree in psychology may elect to obtain a masters degree in social work. Masters level social work graduates can become licensed to practice in all 50 states. Educational and School Settings In addition to social services, those with a graduate degree in psychology are also qualified to work in research or educational settings. College and universities employ PhD-level (and occasionally masters level) graduates to fill faculty positions. Professors are generally expected to teach undergraduate- and graduate-level students as well as conduct research. Some job titles in this area include: School CounselorsSchool counselors work with children who are having difficulty at home or school and assist students in making academic choices. Many also provide help with college applications and career choices.School PsychologistsSchool psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat children who are experiencing behavioral, emotional, or academic problems. These individuals may also recommend treatments or work with parents, teachers, and others to help children overcome problems and achieve goals.Educational PsychologistsEducational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with schools, teaching psychology, educational issues, and student concerns. Educational psychologists often study how students learn or work directly with students, parents, teachers, and administrators to improve student outcomes. Local, State, and Federal Government Government and business entities often hire masters and doctoral graduates in psychology to conduct research. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, local and state governments frequently hire psychologists for jobs in correctional facilities, mental health clinics, public hospitals, and social service offices. Some job titles in this area include: Rehabilitation counselorSocial service managerParole officerVocational rehabilitation providerPsychosocial specialist Applied Psychology Careers Applied psychologists utilize their knowledge of psychology and research methods to improve peoples lives and solve real-world problems. Individuals working in these fields may start with a masters degree in psychology, but positions tend to be more plentiful with a doctorate degree. Some job titles in this area include: Industrial-Organizational PsychologistsThese psychologists study workplace behavior and ergonomics, often working to increase productivity or efficiency. The rising demand for skilled psychologists has led to an increase in the number of university programs offering degrees in industrial-organizational psychology. I-O psychologists perform a variety of functions, including hiring qualified employees, conducting tests, designing products, creating training courses, and performing research on different aspects of the workplace.Forensic PsychologistsForensic psychology involves applying psychology to the field of criminal investigation and law. Forensic psychologists typically have a masters in forensic psychology at the minimum, but many hold a PhD in clinical or counseling psychology. Forensic psychologists may work in various settings, including family courts, drug courts, criminal courts, or private consulting.Human Factors PsychologistsHuman factors is an area of psychology that fo cuses on a range of different topics, including ergonomics, workplace safety, human error, product design, human capability, and human-computer interaction. Human factors psychologists perform a number of duties such as exploring the ways that people interact with products and environments and designing interfaces that are easy to understand. As you can see, career options with a graduate degree in psychology are highly diverse. The best way to determine what path is right for you is to evaluate your own needs and interests. 10 Great Reasons to Earn a Psychology Degree
Friday, May 22, 2020
Justify the Means - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 528 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Ethics Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Ku Klux Klan Essay Movie Essay Did you like this example? Does â€Å"the end justify the means†? Does â€Å"The end Justify the means†. In the movie, Mississippi Burning, the end justifies the means in a way because when you think about it most of the time there are certain limitations to getting what you want. In the movie the only way to get the Ku Klux Klan to confess and give each other to the police was to trick them and make them think that the Ku Klux Klan was after them. In other occasions around the world at the time it was not always necessary to hurt or kill people just to get what you want. Even though it was not necessary people still did it even though they did not have to (they wanted to). In the Mississippi burning the white people might have thought they had a right to hurt/kill Negro people just because they were scared of them and thought they were better then them. That is still no good reason. Proof of the white people hurt the Negroes and damaging their land, crops, and livestock is at the begi nning of the movie as the credits where going across the screen there was a Negro church burning in the background. Throughout the movie we see that the â€Å"White Knights†are burning down Negro’s homes and barns along with the livestock inside them. All this evidence shows the brutality in Mississippi at that time. There was no reason to kill the three young activists. Especially not the reason that the Ku Klux Klan had (one man was a Negro). Even though the Ku Klux Klan did not have a good reason to do what they did the Federal Bureau of Investigation should still not have done what they did. The end was right but the means were wrong. The Federal Bureau of Investigation should have done what they had been doing but they should have tried a little harder to find someone that would speak to them so they could get the rest of the names. They could have also done what they did and get the weakest link to tell just by interrogation rather than what they had did a nd scared him and his family so bad the he would do anything to not get harmed. What they did was smart but not needed; they could have found a way to do it a different way like offer to reduce jail time and give him protection. They should have stayed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, Ward, tactics and ask around until they found someone who will talk or someone from the Ku Klux Klan that is worried about being arrested. If they had done that instead of fighting back then they would have not made a bad choice. Even though the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Anderson’s idea to get them to talk was a good one that worked out fine it was still wrong to do that no matter how bad it was that they did. All in all, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s entire entire end methods did work it was not done in a justice way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Justify the Means" essay for you Create order
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Research Of Second Language Acquisition ( Sla )
INTRODUCTION The research of second language acquisition (SLA) and its theories surged in the twentieth century. At a first glance, the definition of SLA may seem clear, however when analysed further it becomes clear that the subject is a bit more complex. Nevertheless, a good definition of it could be as follows: â€Å"a study of †¦ the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside a classroom.†(Ellis, 1997:3) From the 1940s to the 1960s, a psycholinguistic theory known as behaviourism (stimulus-response), was developed, becoming recognised as a legitimate theory behind SLA. This was a positivist approach towards language learning which involved the interference and transfer between a speaker’s first†¦show more content†¦By providing a theoretical framework, then going on to discuss the arguments for and against the CA hypothesis, a conclusion on its reliability will be drawn. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In order to fully understand the reasons for which the CA hypothesis has fallen into decline, with questions of its reliability in being sufficient in the explanation of errors made by L2 learners, it is necessary to examine other theories behind SLA. Firstly, as aforementioned, behaviourism (and therewith CA) was one school of thought, popularised by B.F Skinner and John Watson. CA is explained in Robert Lado’s Linguistics Across Cultures (1957, p. 2) in which he asserts that those elements that are similar to the [learner s] native language will be simple for him, and those areas that are different will be difficult. By this, Lado meant that errors made in the L2 (by learners) are due to habits which differed from the structures in their L1 and these errors would thus reflect the L1’s structure. However, there is another notable hypothesis which aims to explain the errors made by learners of a second language, that being Larry Selinker’s â€Å"interlanguage†hypothesis. According to Rod Ellis (1997:33), this was coined in recognition of the fact that, although L2 construct a linguistic system that does adopt part of the L1 structure, but is also differs from it and also from the target language. This means that the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why did israel agree to a peace treaty with egypt in 1979 Free Essays
Abstract The Arab-Israeli war of 1948 has no doubt been a subject that has generated intense controversy in historical debate. Historians that have engaged in debate battles over the causes of the Arab-Israeli war have met considerable criticism, often being accused of partisan bias. Authors have also been charged of misuse of history and accused of pursuing an agenda that is either supportive of the Israelis or the Palestinians. We will write a custom essay sample on Why did israel agree to a peace treaty with egypt in 1979? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Given the intense contention that this debate has generated, it is essential to examine the history of the historiography of the Arab-Israeli war. This paper thus explores on the history of the Arab-Israel conflicts from 1948 to the present. It seeks to answer the question: why did Israel agree to a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979Exploring on the historiography of the Arab-Israeli war will help in providing a more complex and fair-minded understanding of the past and aid in preserving at least the prospect of reconciliation between both the Israeli and the Arab community in the future. The paper thus provides a critical exploration on the historiography of the Arab-Israel conflict with the aim of enabling the reader to gain an informed understanding of the contending explanations for the causes of the Arab-Israel wars after 1948. It seeks to address the extent to which the Zionist movement or the Arab community was to blame for the Arab-Israeli war, and to explore on the reasons as to why Israel eventually agreed to sign a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979. 1.0 Introduction The Arab-Israeli war of 1948 has no doubt been a subject that has generated intense controversy in historical debate. Historians who are seeking to know the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian war have met considerable criticism, often being accused of partisan bias. Authors have also been charged of misuse of history and accused of pursuing an agenda that is either supportive of the Israelis or the Palestinians (Shlaim 2000). Indeed the debate about the Arab-Israel war has been made personal, acrimonious and bad-natured. The controversial debate continues to evoke criticism with the ‘new’ and ‘old’ historians engaging in intense debate. The impact that these debates are having on the understanding of the causes of Arab and Israeli war is significant and goes well beyond the academic. Given the intense contention that this debate has generated, it is essential to explore on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict from 1948 to the present. This will help in providing a more complex and fair-minded understanding of the past and will also aid in preserving at least the prospect of reconciliation between both the Israeli and the Arab community in the future. This paper thus explores on the history of the Arab-Israel conflicts from 1948 to the present. It seeks to answer the question: why did Israel agree to a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979The paper critically explores on the historiography of the Arab-Israel conflict with the aim providing an informed understanding of the contending explanations for the causes of the Arab-Israel wars after 1948. 2.0 History of Arab-Israeli war 2.1 End of British Mandate, 1949 With World War I coming to an end, both the Arabs and the Jews felt betrayed because rather than gaining their independence, the French and the British took control of the region (Fraser 1995). The Palestinian region came under the control of the British as a mandate granted by the League of Nations (Ashton 2007). Britain’s acceptance of Palestine as a mandate was driven by the need to establish a Jewish national home. However, both the Jews and the Arabs were frustrated by ritainactions. When the time for establishing the Jewish state approached, the Arabs voiced their oppositions resulting in the British turning to the UN for help (Ashton 2007). With the mandate failing to satisfy both the Arab and the Jewish community, the UN General Assembly announced their intention to end the mandate and recommended the partitioning of Palestine into three separate areas: Jewish State, Arab state and International zone (Fraser 1995). However, the Palestinians argued that the UN recommendation was contrary to the principle of self-determination. They vehemently opposed the establishment of a Jewish state. On the other hand, the UN recommendation was received by the Zionists with enthusiasm such that the Zionists agreed to implement the proposal regardless of the Arab opposition (Kamrava 2005). With the implementation of the UN partition resolution, the Arab and Jewish conflict grew more intense and raids and counter-reprisals from both communities became more evident. The British mandate came to an end on the 14th of May 1948 (Kamrava 2005). Israel proclaimed their victory of independence in the same day. However, the new state of Israel was on the following day invaded by Arab armies from Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Trans-Jordan (Fraser 1995). Despite their determination, these Arab armies failed to defeat the Israelis. The UN later on in July 1949 persuaded the Arab states to sign separate armistice agreements with Israel, with the exception of Iraq (Sayigh Shlaim 1997). 2.2 Continuing tensions in between 1949 and 1956 A number of issues seem to have plagued the Arab-Israeli relations. Among this was the refugee question. Nearly 725,000 Arabs had to flee from Israel to resettle in the neighbouring Arab territories (Sayigh Shlaim 1997). The Palestinian refugees argued that they had been forced to flee, a claim that was vehemently opposed by the Israelis. In fact, the Israelis argued that refugees had been persuaded by the Arab leaders to flee from Israel. Another issue that is believed to have contributed to the Arab-Israel war was the view that the Israelis had acquired Palestinian property. The Arab leaders thus demanded to be compensated by the Israelis. However, these demands of concessions were rejected by the Israeli community. The search for peace between the Arab and Israeli community was further complicated by the tensions between the former Soviet Union and the United States (Sayigh Shlaim 1997). Israel was viewed by the Arab community as a tool of Western imperialism since Western funds were used to bolster the economy of Israel. At the same time, the Soviet Union offered military and economic aid to many of the Arab states and communist countries. The conflict was further exacerbated by the deployment of a United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) in Middle East which was set up to patrol the frontiers between Egypt and Israel (Shlaim 2004). 2.3 The six-day war, 1967 However, in 1967, Egypt made certain demands that required the UNEF to exits its territory. They threatened Israel by sending troops to the Sinai Peninsula. They also closed off the Strategic Strait of Tiran as an act of provocation thereby denying the Israeli access to the Red Sea (Shlaim 2004). Such provocative actions prompted Israel to reciprocate by launching an attack against Egypt which spread quickly to Syria. This led to the six-day war that destroyed the Arab armies. After the war, Israel took control over the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza strip from Egypt; control of the Golan Heights from Syria; as well as the West Bank from Jordan (Kamrava 2005). 2.4 Periods between 1960s and 1970s In between the 1960s and 1970s, the UN passed the Resolution 242 which called for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Egypt and an end to war (Fraser 1995). The resolution also sought to address the Palestinian refugee problem by calling for a ‘just settlement’, and further called for both the Israel and Arab states to respect their independence and rights to co-exist in harmony and peace (Fraser 1995). In 1973, a further step was made with the passing of the UN Security Council Resolution 338 which ensured that the proposals put forth in Resolution 242 were implemented. 2.5 Yom Kippur war of 1973 However, the Israelis believed that they were more powerful and as such thought that they could maintain the status quo. Determined to regain back the acquired Sinai Peninsula, the Egyptian president – Anwar Sadat – arranged with Syria for a surprise attack against Israel (Kamrava 2005). This attack which was later named Yom Kippur occurred during the holy month of Ramadhan lasting for 3 weeks. It led to the death of many of the Israelis. Despite the surprise attack, Israel soon recovered and seized the offensive against both Syria and Egypt (Kamrava 2005). However, the war finally came to a stalemate when the United Nations, the United States and the Soviet Union intervened. The secretary of state to the US negotiated for an end in conflict between the two Arab and Israeli communities. Finally, Israel agree to withdraw its forces from the Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula (Kamrava 2005) 2.6 Israeli Peace Treaty – 1979 In 1978, a meeting was convened by President Carter at Camp David in Washington DC which was meant to bring together both the Arab and the Israeli community. Convinced by the urgent need to establish a comprehensive and lasting peace, President Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin – Israeli Prime Ministerfinally agreed to sign the peace treaty (Fraser 1995). The treaty was a detailed implementation of the principles agreed upon at Camp David and was indeed an important step to resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict and establishing comprehensive peace across the Middle East (Fraser 1995). 3.0 Traditional Zionist and revisionist versions Whilst there has been a progress towards establishing peace between the Israelis and the neighbouring Arab community, a new kind of war has recently emerged among Israeli historians. The traditional Israeli historians have begun to engage in debate battles with the new historians over the Arab-Israeli conflict, with the later challenging the Zionist rendition of the emergence of the state of Israel. Until the 1970s, the debate on the Arab-Israel conflict was largely dominated by the ‘old’ or ‘mobilized’ history which portrayed Israel as under serious threat and the dominant view that Israel had been forced to enter into a series of wars by its Arabs neighbours (Avi 2001). According to the traditional Zionist version, the British mandate of Palestine ensured the establishment of a Jewish state without opposition from the’ (Shlaim 2004). They also argue that the Arab refugees left of their own accord and that the Arab community had planned to invade and destroy the infant Jewish state. They argued that the political deadlock that ensued was solely caused by Arab intransigence (Shlaim 2004). Such views sought to exculpate the Jewish state from allegations made against it including claims that it had acquired Palestinian property and that it had driven away the Arab refugees from their homes. Ironically, there emerged a group of Israelis that gave intellectual power to the Palestinian argument. In the late 1980s, an array of self-styled â€Å"revisionist†or â€Å"new historians†emerged to debunk what it viewed as a distorted ‘zionist narrative’ (Karsh 1996). Headed by Simha Flapan, Ilan Pappe, Benny Morris and Avi Shlaim; this group of ‘new’ historians offered a radically contrary perspective to that of the â€Å"old†history. They argued that Israel was to a large extent responsible for the Palestinian refugee crisis and ultimately for the raging war that led to the development of the state of Israel and fragmentation of Palestine. The ‘new’ historians hold of the view that Zionism was an aggressive and expansionist national movement and an offshoot of European imperialism that led to the raging Arab-Israeli conflict (Karsh 1996). In an attempt to implicate the Jewish community, the new Historians have concentrated on the short period of war that occurred between 1947 and 1949. Deriding alternative interpretations as old, the ‘new’ historians dismiss the notion of Arab animosity and hostility towards the Jewish community as nothing more than just a Zionist myth (Efraim 2000). They point out that the Jewish acceptance of 1947 UN resolution was merely an act and that the Jewish were not sincere. They have sought to distort archival evidence and fabricated or invented their own image of the Israeli history (Efraim 2000). The fabrication of Israeli history by the â€Å"new†historians has no doubt significantly impacted on the understanding of the causes of Arab-Israeli conflict. The Primary works of most of these authors have made new archival material available to wide audiences. Their work has already impacted on the popular perceptions of the historical roots of the Arab-Israeli war. Their accounts also seem to play a greater part in breaking down the remaining psychological barriers that continue to impede the search for a comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East (Shlaim 2004). Of particular influence is Morris’s ground breaking work. For example, Morris’s analysis of the dynamics and causes of Arab-Israeli war between 1949 and 1956 presents a compendious account of the political motives, the insecurities, military recklessness, moral callousness and tactical miscalculations that characterized the response of Israel to the presence of the Palestinian refugees along its border (Ian 1997). There are other ‘revisionist’ works which have had the same sort of impact and altered the views and understanding of Israeli politics and history. However, Morris’s work has been particularly influential and has formed the basis of most ‘revisionist’ works. Of course, it had long been asserted by experts in the region that there was little truth to the Israeli accounts of the Arab refugee question. Even prior to the 1980s opening of the Israeli archives, it had long been suspected in academic circles that the displacement of Arab refugees primarily lay in the terror of a population panicked into flight by intimidation, bombardments, force evacuations and massacres (Ian 1997). Another important tactic which has more often been employed by most authors is presenting the Arab Israeli war as the heroic struggle for a peaceful Jewish state (Morris 2007). Most authors have presented the Arab-Israeli conflict in terms of â€Å"David†vs. â€Å"Goliath†, comprising of a monolithically hostile Arab world and a resentful, treacherous and powerful British Empire (Morris 2007). However, most of the Israelis have felt outraged by the suggestion that they are conquerors, a perception held by the Palestinians (Shlaim 2004). On the other end, the Palestinians have regarded themselves as victims of the Arab-Israeli war. There is no denying that the debate about Arab Israeli conflict has generated intense controversies with the ‘new’ historians challenging the Zionist rendition of the emergence of the state of Israel. However, the ‘new’ accounts suffer from the lack of robust evidence. For example, there seems to be no truth to the Palestinian view that the Arab refugees had been forcefully evicted by the Israelis. There is also no evidence to prove a Zionist plan to expel the Arab refugees from Palestine nor is there evidence of a pre-war ‘transfer’ thinking and cases of expulsion (Karsh 1999). The Palestinian refugee problem that resulted was inevitable, especially given the history of Arab-Jewish hostility over 1881-1947, their geographical intermixing in a minute country, the depth of Arab animosity towards the Jewish community, the structural weaknesses of the Arab society and the fear of falling under Jewish rule (Morris 2004). 4.0 Conclusion Clearly, the debate on this subject has become highly polemical with views that aim at scoring political points rather than providing an academic understanding of the historiography and the causes of Arab-Israeli war. Historians seeking to pursue the root causes of the conflict have often been accused of partisan bias. Authors have also been charged of misuse of history and accused of pursuing an agenda that is either supportive of the Israelis or the Palestinians. It is obvious that new historians, in their effort to score political points and to suit their contemporary political agendas, have systematically distorted archival evidence and fabricated the Israeli history. The Minor criticisms of the revisionist accounts should not detract the reader from the reality about the Arab-Israel conflict. The â€Å"new†historians will undeniably continue to attach the veracity of the traditional Zionist version with an attempt to fabricate the Israel history. While the debate on the causes of Arab-Israeli conflict remains highly contentious, it is a fact that Egypt and Israel eventually came to terms, ending the conflict that had marred the Middle East for 20 years. Convinced of the urgent necessity to establish a comprehensive and lasting peace in Middle East, Israel eventually agreed to sign a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979. 5.0 Reference Ashton, N., 2007. The Cold War in the Middle East: Regional Conflict and the Superpowers, 1967-73. London: Routledge Avi, S., 2001.The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab world. [Viewed on 26th February 2013] available from Caplan, N., 2001. Review article, ‘Zionism and the Arabs: Another look at the new historiography’, Journal of Contemporary History, 36/2, 345-60. [viewed on 26th February 2013] Available on library e-journals gateway. Dupuy, T.N., 1978. Elusive victory: the Arab-Israeli wars, 1947-1974. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company Efraim, K., 2000. Fabricating Israeli History: ‘the new historians’. 2nd edition. Routledge Eugene R. and Shlaim, A., (eds), 2007. The War for Palestine: rewriting the history of 1948. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Fraser, T.G., 1995. The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Ian S. L., 1997. ‘Israeli history: who is fabricating what?’, Survival, 39:3, 156-166 Kamrava. M., 2005. The modern Middle East: A political history since the First World War. London, Berkeley: University of California Press. Karsh, E., 1999. ‘The Collusion that Never Was: King Abdullah, the Jewish Agency and the Partition of Palestine’, Journal of Contemporary History, 34 (4), pp.569-85. Karsh, E., 1996. ‘Rewriting Israel’s history’. Middle East Quarterly, vol. 3 (2) Morris, B., 2008. 1948: A history of the First Arab-Israeli War. Yale University Press Morris, B., 2007. ‘Revisiting the Palestinian Exodus of 1948’: In: Eugene R. and Shlaim A. (eds), The War for Palestine, pp. 37-56 Morris, B., 2004. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-49. Yale University Press Rogan, E. and Shlaim, A., 2001.The War for Palestine: rewriting the history of 1948. [Viewed on 26th February 2013] available from Sayigh, Y. and Shlaim, A., (eds), 1997. The Cold War and the Middle East. Oxford: Claredon press. Shlaim, A., 2004. ‘The war of the Israeli Historians’. Annales, 59:1 [viewed on 26th February 2012] available from How to cite Why did israel agree to a peace treaty with egypt in 1979?, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Uganda Juice Industry Essay Example
Uganda Juice Industry Paper Overview Agriculture and agricultural output are very Important to the Uganda economy. The agricultural Industry Is the largest employer of Ganglands with 75% of the population earning a living from the industry. Food and agricultural raw materials account for 40% of the total exports from Uganda. Additionally, the sector contributes 22. 7% to the Uganda GAP. The large contribution of agricultural products to the Uganda economy has led the government to promote value addition as a means of increasing the value of exports. According to the Uganda Investment Authority (IA), the emend for Agendas organic products Is higher than the supply. This Imbalance presents a high opportunity for export of organic fruit Juice from Uganda. Fruits and farm produce are wasted or sold at very low prices during peak seasons due to inadequate storage facilities and lack of effective processing or preservation techniques, leading to high wastage levels. Juice production not only serves to add value to agricultural export but also serve as a way to prevent wastage of excess fruits. The Juice industry has an opportunity to contribute to the Uganda economy y Increasing the value of the country exports and simultaneously preventing wastage of fruits so high in demand, and creating jobs for Uganda. Industry The Juice making industry in Uganda consists primarily of companies that produce natural fruit juices and companies that produce varying degrees of a mixture of fruit concentrate, fruit flavoring, sugar, and water. Natural Juices in the Uganda market are fruit drinks that consist primarily of Juice extracted fruit flesh or pulp. We will write a custom essay sample on Uganda Juice Industry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Uganda Juice Industry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Uganda Juice Industry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The table below shows the two sectors and the Ingredients for their Julies_ Industry Sector Description/Contents Flavored Juices Mixture of fruit juice concentrate, water and sugar Mixture of fruit puree, water, and sugar Mixture of flavoring, water, coloring, and preservatives Fruit Juices Juice extracted from flesh or pulp of fruit. The natural fruit Juices are targeted towards the upper and middle Income segment of the population while the fruit flavored Juices are marketed towards children and the low income segment of the population. The flavored Juice companies are distributed across the country while the natural fruit juice companies tend to be concentrated in the greater Kampala region. A key distinguishing factor of the fruit juice Industry In Uganda Is that companies that make the flavored Juice drinks generally tend to be concentrated In the Informal sector. These companies are usually small, employing between one to six people. The mixing of the flavored juices usually occurs in one of the entrepreneurs homes. The juices are then packed in polythene bags and distributed and sold through roadside kiosks and street vendors. The flavored juice companies are often not able to break into the formal sector because they lack capital to meet the operational and production requirements set y Uganda National Bureau of Standards (NUBS) for Juice producers. The natural luck producers tenant to De larger organizations employing Trot Detente twenty to two hundred people. The Juices are made in factories and then distributed to grocery stores, schools and other vendors. There are a lot of natural Juices that are imported into Uganda. The table below shows the major players in the Uganda Juice market. It is important to note that a lot of the flavored Juice manufacturers are captured in this table because of the informal nature of those companies. Juice Industry Value Chain and Main Processes Fruit Production Fruit production is the responsibility of farmers. In the Uganda market farmers can be classified in two groups: Small scale farmers The majority Uganda farmers fall into this category. These farmers are distributed across the country and grow fruits on relatively small plots (a few acres). Small scale farming is also characterized by a low use of fertilizers, pesticides, and other improved farming techniques. As a result, they suffer from low and unreliable production. In addition the harvesting methods employed by these farmers often lead to damaged and bruised fruits. Commercial Large scale farms The commercial fruit farms own very large areas of land. They use mechanized and technologically advanced processes to cultivate the land for fruit production and as a result are able to obtain very high quality fruits and high yields. Fruit Transportation Once the fruits reach maturity and are harvested they may go to the fresh fruit market, in order to be consumed fresh, or squeezed freshly at home to be consumed as Juice, or it may enter the processing industry, in order to obtain Juice or other by products. Transporters are responsible for getting fruit from the farms to any of actions discussed above. In Uganda there is an abundance of fruit transportation companies, fruit traders, whose sole business is collecting fruits from firms and delivering them to stores, exporters, and food processors. In other cases one will find that many companies have vertically integrated fruit transportation into their businesses. It is not uncommon to find food processors, exporters and wholesalers who buy directly from farmers and manage the transportation of the fruit themselves. Fruit Processing The fruit processors are responsible for converting the fruits into Juice and other by rodents. Fruit Juice processing consists of extraction, filtration, iteration, bastardization and packaging. The fruits are sorted, washed and prepared for extraction. There are several methods of extracting Juice, depending on the type of fruit. The filtration phase involves the isolation of the pulp from the Juice. The third process of iteration is performed to remove the dissolved oxygen. It is done by spraying the Juice into the vacuum chamber or allowing it to flow over a series of baffles (a device for checking or impeding the flow of gases) while subject to a high scum. Oxygen reacts with the Vitamin C causing deterioration of Juice flavor as a result of other chemical reactions. Bastardization is a sterilization process which slows microbial growth in the Juice. Bastardization involves heating the Juice too specific temperature for a definite length of time, and then cooling it immediately. In the packaging stage clean containers are filled with hot Juice from the pastries. They are then immediately sealed and rapidly cooled. Once packaging is complete ten products are ready to De leverage to ten market. Julie Outlanders Distributors are responsible for delivering the packages Juices from the producer to the retail outlets and in some cases directly to consumers. Like fruit transportation, distribution is another area that is often integrated into the Juice producers business. Fruit Juice is often distributed through wholesalers and exporters. Sales The sales outlets are locations where consumers go to purchase the fruit. In the Uganda context they are primarily retail outlets. The retail outlets that I encountered are: Grocery Stores Gas-Station Convenience Stores Kiosks Street Vendors Customer The fruit Juice industry in Uganda serves both the institutional and household consumers. Suppliers Suppliers to the industry differ for each of the sectors that were defined earlier in this paper. The primary suppliers for the natural Juices are fruit farmers and fruit traders. Suppliers for the flavored Juice sector are the importers of fruit flavors and retailers who sell fruit Juice concentrates. The main supply related challenges for flavored drink producers occur because the main ingredients for their Juices are not produced locally and are imported. The ineffective customs handling of exports often lead to shortages (and associated price hikes) in the supply of concentrates and fruit flavoring. Other than the increase in input prices, the producer may also experience quality/taste degradation. For example a producer may use a particular brand of concentrate in its production process, when the concentrate becomes unavailable the producer now has a choice of shutting down production till the concentrate becomes available or using a different brand of concentrate. A different brand of concentrate results in the product tasting different. For the flavored Juice sector, suppliers are able to exert significant power over the Juice producers because of the producers need to maintain consistent taste for their products. A retailer or importer may choose to raise prices for a unique concentrate or flavor. Fruit Juice companies may chose to buy directly from farmers and incur the cost of transportation from the farmer to their factories or they chose to deal with fruit traders deliver directly to the factory. When dealing directly with farmers the Juice companies are able to extract profits from the farmers but lose some of this advantage to the cost of transportation. With a lot of the farmers being distributed across the country, transportation costs to the Kampala region (where most Juice companies are located) can be quite significant. The following table shows the locations of different fruit farmers. The traders are not able to exert any supplier power on Juice producers because of the large number of traders and relative homogeneity of the service provided. Fruit Location (districts) Pineapple Mask, Kananga, Lower, Waking, Munson, Mumping, Gangs, Kamala Mango Local variety: Lower, Mask, Mumping, Waking, Buddha, Gangs, Kamala, Gull, Lira; improved variety: Massing Passion fruit Yellow variety: Sorority, Mumping; hybrid variety: Mask, Waking, Mumping, Amanita, Sorority; purple variety: Eases, Mask, Mumping, Amanita, Waking Orange Jinni, Kalmia, Gangs, Kamala, Pallid, Kim, Cabinetmaker, sort, serer Barriers to Entry The flavored Juice sector is characterized by very low capital requirements. The low capital requirements combined with the lack of regulatory enforcement ensure that barriers to entry and exit in the flavored Juice sector are very low. Additionally consumers of Juices in this sector are very price sensitive and not concerned about rand loyalty. Entry barriers for the fruit Juice sector are much higher than that of the flavored Juice sector. The reason is because the entry requirements into this sector require high capital investments. In addition to the high capital investments, brand equity may be difficult to build because of customer loyalty to existing brands. Rivalry among existing firms It is difficult to document the number of firms in the Uganda Juice industry because of the ease of entry and exit into flavored Juice sector and because a lot of the firms in the sector operate informally and are unregistered. The table below shows the list of Juice companies selling within the Uganda Market. Company Name Production Sector LEMMA Food (U) Ltd. Domestic Joanna Foods LLC Domestic Fruit Brittany Food Products Domestic Seven Falls Limited PIP Domestic House of Eden (U) Ltd. Domestic Flavored Fruit Both K Enterprises Domestic Flavored Del Monte Foreign Fruit Engage Foreign Fruit Highlands Foreign Flavored Sheehan Foreign Fruit Apparel Agro Foreign Both Shark Group Foreign Fruit Dimes Foreign Fruit Rain Foreign Fruit Martini Kenya Ltd. Foreign Fruit Kettle Foods Kenya Foreign Flavored AY Main National Juice Refreshments Co. (LLC) Foreign Fruit Ribbon Foreign Fruit CERES Foreign Fruit I estimate that there are over a 100 Juice makers who operate informally. The flavored Juice sector is very competitive. Market leaders tend to securing supply contracts for primary and secondary school cafeterias. Compared to the flavored juice sector, there are fewer numbers of companies (all are registered) who compete within the fruit Juice sector. Britannic (makers of Splash Juices) appears to be the market leader based on volumes carried in retail outlets . Despite the few number of coal natural Juice producers, competition is fierce within this sector as there are a lot of imported Juices on the market. There is very little competition between the flavored and a fruit Juice sector as the consumer base for each sector is highly segmented. Mall Players Ana contacts A complete directory of business contacts is attached in the appendix. Industry Fit The table below shows the level of fit for the Juice industry subsection for the common characteristics that PIP is seeking across countries: Priority Characteristic Rationale Natural Juice Companies Fit Flavored Juice Companies Fit Required Many different small firms with 5- 50 employees each Small and medium but not micro enterprises, which will not be big enough to have the same management/labor issues Required Employs relatively low-income or unskilled/semi-skilled workers Want to make sure that Job creation would not be limited to the highly educated or wealthy Preferable A significant role in the Uganda economy, either in terms of employment or GAP Preferable High geographic density of firms To insure that future mentoring interventions will be logistically feasible and affordable
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